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Visual Description - Step Into a Disability Universe & Agreements.

Description: This image is a hand-drawn diagram titled “Step into a Disability Universe.” The main illustration is a large, cloud-shaped bubble in the center with the title written inside in stylized handwriting. The words “Step into a Disability Universe” are centered, with small sparkle icons around the word “Universe” for emphasis.


1. Top Structure: Four stick figures are arranged around the bubble, each labeled with roles: “Facilitator,” “Leaders,” “Participant,” and “Resource Person.” Each figure has a simple smiley face and different orientations around the central cloud shape.

2. Arrows and Text: Red curved arrows link the figures to the central cloud, symbolizing interaction or movement. Smaller handwritten notes beside each arrow add labels corresponding to each figure’s role.

3. In the center it writes Safety word: Louisiana with black and orange colours. 

4. In the bottom it says Agreements with black and green colours , and says Be on time, Bora-Bora, Silence after 22:00, Include everyone, Mute the Phones .