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Visual Description - Social Model vs Medical Model of Disability

This hand-drawn poster provides a comparative overview of the “Social Model of Disability” and the “Medical Model of Disability.” It is titled “What is Disability?” in bold, decorative text at the top, with a large question mark symbol next to it. The poster is divided into two main sections, each outlining one model, with a “VS” label in the center to indicate the contrast between them.

Top Section: The Social Model of Disability

  • Title: “The Social Model of Disability” is written in bold uppercase letters, with a subtitle “View of Social Barriers” underneath.
  • Core Concept: This model suggests that “Society is inaccessible and is the problem.” It emphasizes that disability results from societal barriers, not the individual’s impairments.
  • Diagram and Labels:
    • Person Illustration: On the left, there is a drawing of a person using a wheelchair, with arrows pointing outwards labeled “Society is inaccessible & is the problem.”
    • Key Barriers:
      • Inaccessible Environment: Text states “Disability is caused by inaccessible environment,” with sub-points like “Buildings,” “Services,” “Language,” and “Communication.”
      • Attitudes: Another set of text highlights “Attitudes” as a cause, listing “Prejudice,” “Stereotypes,” and “Discrimination.”
      • Inflexible Organizations: Notes that “Organizations are inflexible, so they are discriminating,” adding another layer of social obstacles.
    • Highlighted Boxes: Each category is boxed with orange borders, creating a visual grouping of social factors contributing to disability.

Center Divider: “VS”

  • “VS”: Written in a bold red box, this symbol divides the social model from the medical model, underscoring their contrasting views.

Bottom Section: The Medical Model of Disability

  • Title: “The Medical Model of Disability” is written in uppercase with a blue border around it, and a subtitle “Traditional View” indicating its conventional approach.
  • Core Concept: This model centers around the idea that “Individual is impaired & is the problem,” placing the focus on the individual’s impairments rather than societal factors.
  • Diagram and Labels:
    • Person Illustration: On the left, there is a simple drawing of a person in a wheelchair, with a label “The Problem” pointing directly at the individual.
    • Key Causes:
      • Physical, Sensory, and Mental Impairments: Text states “Disability is caused by physical, sensory, and mental impairment,” indicating that this model attributes disability to individual limitations.
      • Attitude: Lists “Attitude = the individual is impaired, so is the problem,” reflecting a viewpoint that places blame on the individual.
      • Focus on Medical Intervention: Another text box highlights “Focus on the medical profession” and “Reduce ‘cure’ the effects (of) the impairment,” indicating the model’s emphasis on treatment and remediation.
    • Highlighted Boxes: Each category is bordered in blue, visually distinguishing the components of the medical model.

Bottom Reminder:

  • Text: The poster ends with a concluding message in red text:
    • “REMEMBER: Impairments and chronic illness often pose real difficulties BUT they are NOT the main problem!”
  • Emphasis: The word “NOT” is underlined for emphasis, reinforcing the message that societal barriers, rather than impairments, are the primary obstacles according to the social model.

A bit more about the model!


The medical model of disability views disability as an individual problem caused by a physical or mental impairment. Its goal is to “cure” or “fix” the person’s condition through medical intervention, so they can function as normally as possible. It does not emphasize the social or environmental factors that lead to the exclusion of disabled people.

The social model of disability views disability not as an individual problem, but as a result of barriers in the environment and society. According to this model, architectural obstacles, prejudices, and lack of accessibility are what limit people with impairments from fully participating in society. So, instead of “fixing” the person, the focus should be on changing society to be accessible and inclusive for everyone.


Spanish Translation:

El modelo médico de la discapacidad considera la discapacidad como un problema individual causado por una discapacidad física o mental. Su objetivo es “curar” o “arreglar” la condición de la persona a través de la intervención médica, para que pueda funcionar de la manera más normal posible. No enfatiza los factores sociales o ambientales que llevan a la exclusión de las personas con discapacidad.

El modelo social de la discapacidad no ve la discapacidad como un problema individual, sino como resultado de las barreras en el entorno y la sociedad. Según este modelo, los obstáculos arquitectónicos, los prejuicios y la falta de accesibilidad son lo que limita a las personas con discapacidades para participar plenamente en la sociedad. Así, en lugar de “arreglar” a la persona, el enfoque debería estar en cambiar la sociedad para que sea accesible e inclusiva para todos.

Polish Translation:

Medyczny model niepełnosprawności postrzega ją jako problem jednostki spowodowany fizycznym lub psychicznym upośledzeniem. Jego celem jest „wyleczenie” lub „naprawienie” stanu osoby poprzez interwencję medyczną, aby mogła funkcjonować jak najnormalniej. Nie kładzie nacisku na czynniki społeczne lub środowiskowe prowadzące do wykluczenia osób z niepełnosprawnością.

Model społeczny niepełnosprawności postrzega ją nie jako problem jednostkowy, ale jako wynik barier w środowisku i społeczeństwie. Według tego modelu to bariery architektoniczne, uprzedzenia i brak dostępności ograniczają osoby z niepełnosprawnościami w pełnym uczestnictwie w społeczeństwie. Zamiast więc „naprawiać” osobę, należy skupić się na przekształceniu społeczeństwa, aby było ono dostępne i integracyjne dla wszystkich.