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Our Personal Coaching Sessions




What is a personal coaching session?

Coaching session is a proccess where there is a coach & a coachee and the coach supports the coachee to reach his own goals & define his own needs.

A coaching session usually lasts from 45 to 90 minutes. The coach is using different kind of methods in order to support the coachee on his self-development.





Personal Growth




Personal Growth


Break Downs


Dreaming - Discovering

Our Methodology during the sessions.

or at least, some part of it.

We are giving you the support & the push to change. BUT you are making the change.

We understand you, but we will never tell you our opinion because we are not here for this. Your life, your choices. We are here only to guide you to reach your goals & dreams. Not to make them come true for you.

We will strech you in order to support your development proccess. Not only fluffy-puppy feelings will exist during our coaching sessions.

We are concrete & strict. Always honest and to the point. You may be feel anoyed or offended sometimes, but it's also a part of the proccess.

We respect you & your limits.
Your health is our priority.

We are using methods connected with psychology & psychotherapy but in the same time techniques based on body-awareness & self reflection. Also we are working in different kind of enviroments in order to enhance your personal growth.

The photo shows Anastasia Tasoula, which is a girl wearing grey sweater and red scarf. She has short blonde-brown hair, brown eyes and a big smile. The background has a drawing in a wall and it shows trees with glitter and birds symbolizing freedom

About the Coach

Anastasia Tasoula is a student of psychology and for 2 years now she is getting educated on personal development methods (life-coaching, NLP methods etc.) and she has been trainer on projects about social, environmental, personal development and health topics. She is a person with a disability, a chronic-terminal illness called cystic fibrosis and she has spent more than 3 years of her life in the hospital – fighting for her life. She knows how it is to feel social excluded – to exclude sometimes yourself because of some fewer opportunity & that’s why she aims to change it. She is participating on researches and activities in order to fight for others humans-health rights. She is a public motivational speaker for the human right that everyone has –> to be real and alive. At 2018 she also spoke on a Ted-X event about her life and mindset, her experiences and her vision. In the same time, she worked in schools for people with disabilities such as Autism, Asperger syndrome and Down Syndrome, she worked in psychiatric hospitals, volunteering in the field of Refugees, supporting drugs addiction groups, practicing photography & latin dance.
She believes that we are all worth a second chance to live, even if we did “ bad”  things to ourselves/others, and she aims to support other humans to truly live their life with no regrets & blames, but only CARE//LOVE//HONESTY//ACCEPTANCE ♥

Ready to start working on yourself, discover the limitations you are putting to yourself & make the CHANGE?