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Group of 8-25 people, are connecting in order to get knowledge on diverse populations, embarce their own diversity and explore what this world can share with them, create opportunities for all and shine!

Our trainers are working with the group with different kind of techniques from experiential learning, psychotherapy, coaching & psychology, with aim the support of individual/personal growth of every person in the group enviroment. 

Four human-body flower-head figures. The one on the left looks like a pacman and symbolized the stereotypes. It tries to "catch" the other three who are running with enthusiasm to a non stereotypes world. One of the three is in a wheelchair and is supported by the other too to run quicker symbolizing collaboration and solidarity.
One human-flower figure who has dark blue body and purple flower-collar holds a pink heart with its two hands

Group of 8-20 people are working under situations of psychological  in order to push themselves out of their comfort zones and explore what is there for them, face their fears and their mistakes, learn to control their emotions but also release them.

Trainers will use experiential & psychological methods to support them on streching/developing themselves & their minds. 

Our JUST DO IT Project.

What is Erasmus+ ? How can you reach it ? 

Erasmus+ is the EU’s programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. It provides opportunities for Europeans to study, train, and gain experience abroad.

The programme doesn’t have opportunities for students only. It offers projects for a wide variety of individuals and organisations.

Participating in the Erasmus+ programme is an amazing way to discover new cultures, learn new skills, meet people from different cultural backgrounds and experience the best moments of your life (truly!).

in a backgroun full of clouds and blue, there is a circle of 17 people with laughter in the faces

Youth Exchange is a short-term international mobility of young people. 

For whom? young people aged 13-30 years old

How long? between 5 and 21 days

Where? all over Europe

Do I have to pay? No! All the costs (including travel and accommodation) are fully funded by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ Programme.

Why should I apply? Because Youth Exchanges are amazing opportunities to meet wonderful people from different countries, discover foreign cultures, travel, learn new skills and experience amazing adventures. 🙂

Training Course is a short-term international mobility of youth workers. 

For whom? Human working with young people aged 18+ years old

How long? between 2 days and 2 months

Where? all over Europe

Do I have to pay? No! All the costs (including travel and accommodation) are fully funded by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ Programme.

Why should I apply? Because Training Courses are amazing opportunities to develop your skills, gain new competences, experience working in an international environment, meet wonderful people from different countries and experience amazing adventures.

If you are wondering whether Erasmus+ and ESC are for you, the most probable answer is: YES!

Erasmus+ offer an enormous variety of local and international opportunities both for individuals and organisations. 

If you are a young person aged 18-30 years old you can participate in Youth Exchanges or join European Solidarity Corps (creating a Solidarity Project or going as a volunteer abroad). No need for a particular level of education, special competences or skills – what counts is your motivation!

No age limits exist in Trainings, so even if you are 63 years old, stop thinking about it and go try it! So, if you work with youth as an educator, teacher, youth leader or you are seeking to work in this sector in the future, you can join Training Courses. Your motivation is still the most important, but for some projects we look for a specific participant profile – read more in project descriptions.

Don’t hesitate to contact us for more details!

You have already made the first step – making a decision to join was the most important part of your participation!

What now? 

Firstly, find a specific project that interests you the most. Check out our facebook page to see what project opportunities exist now. 

Apply through the online application form that you will find in the description of all the projects. Describe yourself and tell us about your motivation to join the activity. 

Wait for an email with results. If you are selected, we will contact you with all the details concerning your trip. We will also: 

– share with you the detailed infopack of the activity,

– help you to find the most convenient and eco-friendly way to travel,

– contact you with other participants of the project,

– support you and other participants in preparing for the project,

and answer all possible questions you may have! 

Ready? Go start your adventure now!

In our page “Experiences” ➪ “Living the Erasmus+ Life” , you will find previous projects we had the chance to be part of but also testimonials from the beautiful humans that represented our organisation and participated in the projecs.