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The photo shows a man with hiking clothes and a backpack to walk a moountain path, a super wild view of mountains are in the background, making the photo look like fake.

Experiences of a lifetime.

While having fun and laughing, we always aim to change – create and transform the way our minds are working and how we percieve things and situations in our lives. 

Our thoughts develop most of our life. And we want to think magic so that we create magic and then be mindful enough to fully live it.

Break the stereotypes workshop

A short term experience that challenges the core beliefs of a person while creating ground for new, free of stereotypes, beliefs to grow based on respect, love and solidarity.

International Experiences with Erasmus+

In order to expand the opportunities that we create for people to grow, we have a lot of experiences out of the comfort zone and inside the field of Erasmus+. How is it to travel for free, learn a bunch of things and live the experience of meetine people from around the world and living with them for days? 

Emotional management Workshop

Another short term experience that invites you to explore how you feel, why you feel it and realise that your feelings are yours and they have nothing to do with others around you. You are the power in you!