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Visual Description - Our Rota

Description: This is a hand-drawn, weekly rota (schedule) table with the title “Our Rota” in a bold, decorated banner across the top. The days are labeled from November 4th to November 9th.

Table Structure:

Column Headers: The top row has the dates of each day written in black and orange.

Row Headers: Rows are labeled with different tasks written in mixed-case text. Each task row has an accompanying illustration and a hashtag:

1st row: “Energizing Our Group” with a drawing of people with raised hands (#TheEnergizers).

2nd row: “Cleaning Our Training Room” with a broom and dustbin icon (#TheCleaners).

3rd row: “Recording Our Days” with a video-camera labeled “Action” (#ThePaparazzis).

4th row: “Organizing the Dinner Area” with a fork and knife icon (#TheOrganizers).

Grid: The table is bordered with thick, black and orange lines, forming a clean, organized grid.