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Creating A Human Project

What is "Creating A Human" ?

Creating A Human is a powerful personal development journey that enables you to connect with yourself again, to accept & love who you are.  

Creating A Human experience is there for you to support you on creating a new frame of living for yourself based on the life you always dreamt to have.




Next one starts at SEPTEMBER of 2019


Reconnection with yourself, your inner voice and your deepest thoughts. Reconnection with truly living your life. Reconnection with your dreams & goals. Reconnection with your needs & values.

Reconnection with

love, care & honesty.

After spending some months of working in the group, breaking my personal stereotypes, exploring myself through our group connection & specifying my & our goals – needs, all together we are going to spread the awareness & strech this world limits by challenges – individual & group ones.

We will push every knowledge we gained & experience we lived out of the group with many different ways.

This lovely state of Creating a Human Project…

We reconnected, we shared, we found ourselves & we experienced a whole new point of view about our realities. 

Now it’s time to work on our goals – in a practical level.

Be Visible Be You is here for you to support you while you making your dreams come true. We are here to share our resources with you, to help you with any way we can & to promote your work – as long you are creating it!

Values of Creating A Human Project








Everyone who is opened to experience something intense, try new things  & change his life.

Special characteristics :

To be a human being

To want to get developed

To accept diversity

To be opened to accept/explore/love/change

To be real & honest


The methodology of the program is based on participatory processes and experiential learning. It contains coaching techniques, elements from psychotherapy, clinical psychology, cognitive psychology and NLP methods. The project is also supported by arts & spiritual techniques.
There are very few speeches from the trainers and a lot of intense individual processes in group context.  

Rules of Joining

It is crucial for the group to have rules in order to create a safe and common enviroment to everyone in the group. The rules are going to be stated before the project starts and everyone will be asked to agree with them.

Role plays and games

You will participate in different role plays and simulations individually and in the group as well, that give you chance to experience and discover different behaviors that might be unknown for you so far and bring you new perspectives. There will be games to entertain you but also games to make you think and reflect.

Open Sharing

Every individual in the group will be invited to share their thoughts, feelings & plans during the open sharing activities. Trainers will guide these activities in order to succeed the most quality impact for the group & for every individual there.

Personal interactions ​and coaching

Most of the life-changing experience is happening through interpersonal connections: you are constantly in contact with other participants of the program. This also helps you to re-examine your own attitudes and behavior patterns. The role of the trainer is to support you to reach your goals with feedback and personal coaching on spot.

Where the activities will take place?

The activities will happen every week, stable time specified from the first group meeting. About the place that the activities will happen, this will be specified every time before the activity takes place. There will be times that the whole group will be invited to spend some time in the nature or in alternative places.

Other processes

During the activities, trainers will create proccesses based on movies, drawings, dance and other arts. Plus, there will be some ‘weekly homework’ that will support you to reflect and clarify certain questions you are busy with regarding to your own personal development processes.

Interested in Creating A Human Project? JOIN US for the next round!

The program is open for humans from all the different kind of backgrounds.

We provide this project in both greek & english language – so you can decide.
If you have any specific health condition, please contact us via e-mail after applying.

After filling the application form, we will contact you via e-mail about the next steps.

For any details and clarification you can contact us on !

Creator of the Project

Anastasia Tasoula

Anastasia Tasoula is a student of psychology and for 2 years now she is getting educated on personal development methods (life-coaching, NLP methods etc.) and she has been trainer on projects about social, environmental, personal development and health topics. She is a person with a disability, a chronic-terminal illness called cystic fibrosis and she has spent more than 3 years of her life in the hospital – fighting for her life. She knows how it is to feel social excluded – to exclude sometimes yourself because of some fewer opportunity & that’s why she aims to change it. She is participating on researches and activities in order to fight for others humans-health rights. She is a public motivational speaker for the human right that everyone has –> to be real and alive. At 2018 she also spoke on a Ted-X event about her life and mindset, her experiences and her vision. In the same time, she worked in schools for people with disabilities such as Autism, Asperger syndrome and Down Syndrome, she worked in psychiatric hospitals, volunteering in the field of Refugees, supporting drugs addiction groups, practicing photography & latin dance.
She believes that we are all worth a second chance to live, even if we did “ bad”  things to ourselves/others, and she aims to support other humans to truly live their life with no regrets & blames, but only CARE//LOVE//HONESTY//ACCEPTANCE ♥